We are very excited to share with you the publication of Nikolaos Perakis' first single-authored paper in Elsevier's peer-reviewed journal "Acta Astronautica".

The paper entitled "Maneuvering through solar wind using magnetic sails" explores the use of magnetic sails for interplanetary missions and can be accessed free of charge for the next 45 days using the following link:
Magnetic sails work quite similar as the sails most of us are used to, at sea. However, instead of using the actual wind, they rely on incoming charged particles and instead of employing sail cloth, they utilize large magnetic coils. This makes them an attractive option, as they are a propellantless means of propulsion. Nikolaos' previous scientific involvement with magnetic sails has been with their use as an interstellar "braking system" for orbital insertion in the Alpha Centauri star system.