We are pleased to announce the formation of a new research organisation dedicated to interstellar research. The Initiative for Interstellar Studies (I4IS) will set out to catalyse research and entrepreneurial programs that accelerate our knowledge of science, our application of the technologies, and harmonise our cultures, so that an interstellar capable society can be created this century. Technical credibility, reliability of information and scientific excellence will be essential principles of the Initiative.
The Initiative is to be founded in the United Kingdom, but will have global outreach and this especially includes in the United States, where offices will also be established. It will start as a virtual entity but will seek to build facilities as progress develops. Our goal is to eventually see the creation of a dedicated facility, where researchers and communicators of the interstellar vision can meet to share in a common goal and find ways to see its fulfilment through co-operation.
The Executive Director is Kelvin F. Long, physicist, aerospace engineer and author. Kelvin says “I am very excited about this opportunity, for which the time has now come. Many have worked towards the fulfilment of an interstellar vision over the past decades, and it is hoped that the Initiative will pull the community together behind a common purpose and a bold enterprise”.
Deputy Director George Abbey Jnr, states “other organizations have been created in recent years looking at interstellar related challenges, particularly the DARPA 100 Year Starship project. We will aim to work co-operatively with these organizations in a complementary way”. Director Rob Swinney, an aerospace engineer and former RAF Squadron Leader, states “we will address the research areas where professional space agencies dare not go. We will show boldness and courage in our attempts to make star travel happen in our times. We will reach out to the next generation through our educational Academy”.