Articles and Papers
The following is a list of publications in magazines and journals or other periodicals produced by members of the i4is team, or affiliated people for which the organization had some involvement in their project.
- Alexander, Andrew, “Project BAIR: The Black Hole Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2014.
- Armstrong, Rachel, “Starship Cities”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Ashworth, Stephen, "The Starship Philosophy: Its Heritage and Competitors", Presented at the i4is/BIS Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, JBIS, 67, 11/12, November/December 2014.
- Bhattacharjeee, Shambo, "Programme to Characterise the Local Stellar Environment Associated with Project OAKTREE", ISU/i4is MSc Project, 2014/2015.
- Parkinson, Robert, “The Philosophy of the Starship – Revisited”, Presented at the i4is/BIS Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, Publication Pending, JBIS, 2014.
- Ciupa, Martin, “The Ethical Implications of Cultural Intervention by Space Faring Civilizations – What Science Fiction has to Say”, Presented at the Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, JBIS, 67, 11/12, November/December 2014.
- Ciupa, Martin, “Scenario Analysis: The Drake Equation, Fermi Paradox and Active SETI", Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Clark, Jeremy, “An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence As Applied to Space Exploration”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Cooper, Keith, “Self-Replicating Probes: Close to Reality?”, Publication Pending, JBIS 20014.
- Cooper, Keith, “Destinations: The Planets Next Door”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Cooper, Keith, "The Interstellar Ethics of Self-Replicating Probes", JBIS, 67, pp.258-260, 2014.
- Crawford, Ian.A, “Avoiding Intellectual Stagnation: The Starship As An Expander of Minds”, Publication Pending, JBIS, 2014.
- Crawford, Ian.A, “Scientific and Societal Benefits of Interstellar Exploration”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Crawford, Ian.A, "Avoiding Intellectual Stagnation: The Starship As an Expander of Minds", JBIS, 67, pp.253-257, 2014.
- Cress, William, “Building Heavy Lift Rockets, How United Launch Alliance Does it”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Crowl, Adam, “Boot Strapping Our Way to Alpha Centauri”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Enestam, Sissi, “Project Sentinel”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2014.
- Franks, Eric, “Agricultural Design Trade-Offs for Space Colony Feasibility”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2013.
- Garattini, Remo, “Interstellar Travel and Traversable Wormholes”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Guzman, Melissa, "External Memory", ISU/i4is MSc Project, 2014/2015.
- Harai, Michio, “Autonomous Space Colony Construction”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2014.
- Hardy, David, “Travelling to the Stars on A Paintbrush", Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Harpur, James, “Jude; Solar Sailing A Low Mass Payload to Alpha Centauri-B”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2013.
- Hein, Andreas, “The Greatest Challenge: Manned Interstellar Travel", Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “The Invention of the Starship”, Presented at BIS/i4is Philosophy of the Starship” Symposium May 2013, Publication Pending, JBIS, 2014.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “The Road Before the Stars: Interstellar Precursor Missions”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Lonberg, Jon, "Foreword", for the i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Mestry, S, “Nuclear Powered Mission to Saturn of Saturn’s Moon or Beyond: Mission to Saturn’s Moon Titan Using Fission Fragment Rocket Engine”, i4is project in collaboration with the University of Southampton, MSc Theis Report, April 2014.
- Murzionak, Piotr, “The Oculus Project: Solar Sailing to Discover Exoplanets at the Center of Our Galaxy”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2013.
- Parkinson, Robert, "The Philosophy of the Starship - Revisited", JBIS, 67, pp.249-252, 2014.
- Ramos, Brian, "Biological Life Support Systems for Future Spaceflight Missions", ISU/i4is MSc Project, 2014/2015.
- Storer, Alex, “Musica Universalis: The Interstellar Relationship Between Space, Music and Popular Culture”, Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Vulpetti, Giovanni, “Conceptual Basis of Interstellar Flight: Definition and Relation to Universal Laws", Chapter Contribution to i4is Beyond the Boundary Book, 2014.
- Welch, Chris, "Initiative for Interstellar Studies", Presented at SpaceUp, 6th July 2014, London, UK.
- Wang, Wei, “Review of the Deceleration Options for a Robotic Interstellar Spacecraft Entering the System of Another Star”, ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2013.
- "Astra Planeta, Interstellar Worldship LIterature Review", International Space University Team Project 2014/2015 in Affiliation with i4is, December 17th 2014.
- "Astra Pleneta Final Report", Interstellar Worldship Study, International Space Univerisity Team Project 2014/2015 in Affiliation with i4is, May 2015.
- Bhattacharjee, Shambo, "Program to Calculate the Local Stellar Environment", ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2015.
- Guzman, Melissa, "Space Eternal Memory: Storing Information in Space for a Very Long Time", ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2015.
- Ramos, Brian, "Biological Life Support Systems for Future Spaceflight Missions", ISU (i4is) MSc Thesis Report, April 2015.
The following is a list of presentations given at workshops, conferences or in lectures by members of the i4is team.
- Ashworth, Stephen.A, "Messages to Aliens, The Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox", Presented at the UK Charterhouse Conference, 25th July 2013, Surrey, UK.
- Ciupa, Martin, “The Ethical Implications of Cultural Intervention by Space Faring Civilizations – What Science Fiction has to Say?”, Presented at the BIS/i4is Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, London, May 29 2013.
- Cooper, Keith, “Self-Replicating Probes: Close to Reality?”, Presented at the i4is/BIS Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, May 29 2013.
- Davies, John, "Starship Futures – Social, Economic, Political", Presented at the UK Charterhouse Conference, 25th July 2013, Surrey, UK.
- Genevese, Angelo, "Advanced Electric Propulsion for Interstellar Precursor Exploration", Presented at the UK Charterhouse Conference, 25th July 2013, Surrey, UK.
- Long, Kelvin.F, "Time for the Stars", Plenary Lecture, Presented at the UK Charterhouse Conference, 25th July 2013, Surrey, UK.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Propulsion”, Presented at the International Space University, Strasbourg, France, April 2014.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Flight: Discovering the Limits of the Possible”, Presented at the UKSEDS meeting, February 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “The Rise of the Starships”, Presented Icarus Interstellar Starship Congress, 16th August 2013, Dallas, Texas, USA,
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Flight: Discovering the Limits of the Possible”, Presented to a UK Advanced Defence Technology Company, February 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Propulsion”, Presented at the International Space University, Strasbourg, France, February 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Flight: Discovering the Limits of the Possible”, Presented at the NASA Marshall Spaceflight Centre, Alabama, USA, February 2013
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Interstellar Flight: Discovering the Limits of the Possible”, Presented at the NASA Glenn Research Centre, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, February 2013
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Project Dragonfly", Workshop Presentation, Presented at the BIS/i4is Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, May 29 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “The ‘Invention’ of the Starship”, Presented at the BIS/i4is Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, May 29 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Institute for Interstellar Studies”, Presented at the 2nd Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, Alabama, USA, February 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness: Extending Personal Freedom to the Space Frontier & Managing the Consequences”, Presented at UK Center for Astrobiology Extraterrestrial Liberty Symposium, London, June 14 2013.
- Long, Kelvin.F, “To the Stars: A Vision for Catalysing Interstellar Flight Before the Year 2100″, Presented at the British Interplanetary Society, August 2012.
- Matloff, Gregory & C Bangs, “Sunbeasts: Are Stars Conscious?”, Presented at BIS, London, June 2013.
- Norman, Gillian, "Planning for an Interstellar Future", Cotswold Astronomical Society, Shurdington, 11th July 2015.
- Shankar, Divya, “Interstellar Travel”, Presented at SpaceUp India, December 2012.
- Swinney, Rob, “Flying Closer to Another Star: Catalysing Interstellar Flight”, Presented RAF Waddington Aircrew Association, UK, 8th October 2012
- Swinney, Rob, "From Project Daedalus to Project Icarus and Beyond", Presented at the UK Charterhouse Conference", 25th July 2013, Surrey, UK.
- Swinney, Rob, "Catalysing Interstellar Flight", Presented to the Lindum Rotary Club, Lincoln, 9th May 2013.
- Swinney, Rob, “The Philosophy of the Starship”, Presented at the Philosophy of the Starship Symposium, i4is/BIS Symposium, May 29 2013.
- Swinney, Rob, "Interstellar Travel", Manchester Philosophical Society, Manchester Grammar School, Manchester, England, 25th April 2014.
- Swinney, Rob, "Advancing the Dream of Interstellar Flight to Reality", Presented at the University of York, York Plasma Institute Fusion Futures Workshop, 13th May 2014.
- Swinney, Rob and Long, Kelvin, "Imagineering Starships - how SF Starships work - or don't!", Eastercon, Heathrow, 5th April 2015.
- Swinney, Rob, "Imagineering Starships – how to travel to the Stars", North Essex Astronomical Society, Essex, 15th April 2015.
- Swinney, Rob, with Terry Regan, "Interstellar Spaceflight", Scottish Dark Skies Observatory, Dumfriesshire, 14-15 August 2015.
- Swinney, Rob, "The Next Steps in the Journey to the Stars", Starfest, Chelmsford, 17th October 2105.
- Welch, Chris, “The Initiative for Interstellar Studies”, Presented at SpaceUP Stuttgart, 27th October 2012.