i4is' Andreas Hein has created a short Youtube video to introduce world ships, focusing on the 1984 Bond & Martin designs.
Short introduction to "world ships", possibly the largest interstellar vessels ever designed. They have been proposed by Alan Bond and Anthony Martin in 1984. They are hundreds of kilometres long, house a population the size of cities, and take thousands of years to reach other stars. For more information: https://i4is.org/project-world-ship/
Bond, A., & Martin, A. R. (1984). World ships-an assessment of the engineering feasibility. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 37, 254.
Hein, A. M., Pak, M., Pütz, D., Bühler, C., & Reiss, P. (2012). World ships—architectures & feasibility revisited. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 65(4), 119. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andreas-M-Hein/publication/236177990_World_Ships_-_Architectures_Feasibility_Revisited/links/0c960516e5549a8b41000000/World-Ships-Architectures-Feasibility-Revisited.pdf
Hein, A. M., Smith, C., Marin, F., & Staats, K. (2020). World ships: feasibility and rationale. https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.04100
Image credit: Adrian Mann
Death Star: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0064/6833/7719/files/14-Death-Star_large.jpg?v=1559164489