The US Institute for Interstellar Studies was first incorporated in 2014 as a non-profit corporation in the State of Tennessee. It follows the set-up of the original company constituted in the UK and reflects the global ambitions of our strategic aims. It was set up to facilitate interactions of the global institute with US companies, industry and the Federal government. We are pleased to announce that as of 28th February 2017, Robert Kennedy Jnr became the legal President of the company. Kelvin F. Long will stay involved as Chairman of the board during the organizations transition to full-operational status. Currently, the US Institute for Interstellar Studies is focussed on the Foundations of Interstellar Flight workshop to take place 13-15 June in New York. Robert Kennedy has been involved in the Institute for Interstellar Studies project for the last couple of years and we are pleased that he has now agreed to take on an even larger responsibility in leading the I4IS presence in the United States, in collaboration with the UK parent company