Key Interstellar Related Books
Gilster, P., Centauri Dreams: Imagining & Planning Interstellar Exploration, Copernicus Books, 2004.
Long, K.F., Deep Space Propulsion: A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight, Springer, 2012.
Long, K. F., and P. Galea (editors), Project Daedalus: Demonstrating the Engineering Feasibility of Interplanetary Travel, A British Interplanetary Society Publication, ISBN 978-0-9506597-0-1 90000, April 2011.
Mallove, E., and G. Matloff, The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer’s Guide to Interstellar Travel, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1989.
Matloff, G.L., Deep Space Probes, to the Outer Solar System and Beyond, second edition, Springer Praxis, ISBN 3-540-24772-6, 2005.
Millis, M.G., and E.W. Davis (editors), Frontiers of Propulsion Science, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 227, The American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, ISBN 978-1-56347-956-4, 2009.
Nicolson, I., The Road to the Stars, Book Club Associates, 1978.
Vulpetti, G., L. Johnson and G.L. Matloff, Solar Sails, A Novel Approach to Interplanetary Travel, Praxis Publishing Ltd, ISBN 978-0-387-34404-1, 2008.
Key Interstellar Related Websites
The British Interplanetary Society
Breakthrough Initiatives
Centauri Dreams news blog
Icarus Interstellar
The Tau Zero Foundation
The Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop
Key Interstellar Related Papers
Bond, A., and A.R. Martin, “Project Daedalus: The Mission Profile”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.101-112, Feb. 1976.
Bond, A., et al., “Project Daedalus: The Propulsion System Part 2: Engineering Design Considerations and Calculations”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S63-S82, 1978.
Bond, A., and A.R. Martin, “World Ships – An Assessment of the Engineering Feasibility”, JBIS, 37, pp.254-266, June 1984.
Bussard, R.W., “Galactic Matter and Interstellar Flight”, Astronautica Acta, 6, pp.170-194, Fasc.4, 1960.
Crawford, I.A., “Project Icarus: A Review of Local Interstellar Medium Properties of Relevance for Space Missions to the Nearest Stars”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 7/8, pp.691-699, April/May 2011.
Dyson, F., “Interstellar Transport”, Physics Today, 21, 10, pp. 41-45, Oct. 1968.
Forward, R.L., “Starwisp: An Ultra-Light Interstellar Probe”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 22, 3, pp.345-350, May/June 1985.
Forward, R.L., “A Programme for Interstellar Exploration”, JBIS, 29, 10, pp.611-632, Oct. 1976.
Forward, R.L., “Roundtrip Interstellar Travel Using Laser-Pushed Lightsails”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 21, 2, pp.187-195, March/April 1984.
Long, K.F., “Interstellar Institute for Aerospace Research: A Concept Proposal”, JBIS, 64, 5, pp.166-170, May 2011.
Martin, A.R., “World Ships – Concept, Cause, Cost, Construction and Colonisation”, JBIS, 37, pp.243-253, June 1984.
Martin, A.R., and A. Bond, “Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept”, JBIS, 32, 8, pp.283-310, Aug. 1979.
Martin, A.R., et al., “Project Daedalus: The Propulsion System, Part 1: Theoretical Considerations and Calculations”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S44-S62, 1978.
Shepherd, L., “Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 11, pp.149-167, 1952. This is the first known technical paper on interstellar spaceflight.
Spencer, D.F., and L.D. Jaffe, “Feasibility of Interstellar Travel”, Astronautica Acta, 9, pp.49-58, 1963.