Our team has produced a collection of monographs and special reports.
Initial Considerations for the Interstellar (Andromeda) Probe: A Three Day Study, 2016
This was a technical report produced for Breakthrough Initiative Project Starshot ahead of their 12th April 2016 announcement of this exciting project. The project team was comprised of fifteen individuals but was led by Andreas Hein and Kelvin F. Long. Read more.
Full report: arXiv:1708.03556 [astro-ph.IM]
Starship Engineering, Foundation Topics for Interstellar Space Exploration, 2015
This was a publication produced by Rob Swinney and Kelvin F. Long as a backgrounder for the Starship Engineer course which is organised by the Educational Academy Committee.
Voices, 2014
Voices is a publication to facilitate a voice to the interstellar community at large. It is not just the opinions of members of i4is but anyone else that wishes to express an opinion. The first issue was produced for the near year of 2014 and was originally due for a January release. But here is its, the first issue of Voices edited by i4is Director Keith Cooper.