The Institute for Interstellar Studies of the United States of America
As a part of our strategic plan to develop partner institutes, we have started with the incorporation of a company in the United States under the i4is brand name. This entity will be the main vehicle by which all i4is business is conducted with US companies, universities, institutions and also the Federal government.
The US Institute for Interstellar Studies was first incorporated in April 2014 as a non-profit corporation in the State of Tennessee. It was set up to facilitate interactions of the global institute with US companies, industry and the Federal government.
From Article 3 of Incorporation:
The purpose for which this corporation is organized is
to advance the ambition of interstellar flight through various educational, research and entrepreneurial activities. The mission of the Institute is to foster and promote education, knowledge and technical capabilities that lead to designs, technologies or enterprise that will enable the construction and launch of interstellar spacecraft. The vision of the Institute is to aspire to an optimistic future for humans on Earth and in space. Our bold vision is to be an organization that is central to catalyzing the conditions in society over the next century to enable robotic and human exploration of the frontier beyond our Solar System and to other stars, as part of a long-term enduring strategy and towards a sustainable space-based economy.
Offices of the Company
President: Robert Kennedy, Jnr