On the 17-18th of May, a workshop on "Fast, Low-Cost, Interplanetary Sailcraft Science Missions" took place in the Neimenster Abbey in Luxembourg, organized by the University of Luxembourg (SnT), Breakthrough Initiatives, and NASA-JPL. Our Executive Director Andreas Hein organized this meeting in his capacity as a professor of space systems engineering at the University of Luxembourg.
The meeting featured some prominent researchers working on solar sails such as Slava Turyshev (NASA-JPL), Jan Thimo Grundmann (DLR), Bernd Dachwald (FH Aachen) but also numerous space scientists such as Phil Mauskopf (Arizona State University), James Lloyd (Cornell), Marshall Eubanks (Space Initiatives).
Project Lyra was notably presented during Hein's presentation of potential SunDiver missions to interstellar objects.