Adam Hibberd
The more I think about evolution through natural selection the more I see analogues to my software development Optimum Interplanetary Trajectory Software.
(I should make it clear at this early stage in my post that OITS does NOT employ a genetic/evolutionary algorithm approach, I shall elucidate below.)
You see there is NO intent behind the working of a gene. Despite the language of many scientists, genes do NOT have an intelligence or a motivation. However the process of expression of these genes and the rules of natural selection tend to favour successful solutions to the problem of the host organism's survival in the environment in which it exists.
These rules tend to imbue the genes with some kind of intelligence which patently, upon examination, is NOT there.
Now if we move over to my software development, OITS, clearly it is NOT an AI (Artificial Intelligence) software package, nor is there any thinking mind modelled by the OITS algorithm. Yet through the implementation of NLP (Non-Linear-Problem) solving software (NOMAD), it still manages to solve the puzzle of getting a spacecraft to its destination with minimum ΔV.
This behaviour makes it seem as though OITS knows more than it actually does, but we know the truth - not at all! It's just that the simple iterative rules followed by the NLP software are such as to find the desired solution.